• Herzegovina Hiking Adventure

About us

Welcome to Herzegovina Hiking Adventure, my name is Miroslav Mihalj. I am certified Mountain Guide and certified Mountain Rescuer and I will be your guide to Bosnia and Herzegovina's mountains.


For all nature lovers and the ones who want to become one, I welcome you to our beautiful country.

As an active hiker for many years and President of local hiking community HPD Prenj 1933 Mostar, my vision is to share the spirit of outdoor adventure and hiking experience with all open to embrace the nature.

In my vast experience as a hiker I am proud to have conquered some of the highest peaks in Alps and Balkan region such as Grossglockner- Austria, Grand Paradiso – Italia, Mont Blanc – France, Monte Rosa – Switzerland, Mount Ararat – Turkey High Tatras – Slovakia and Poland, Triglav – Slovenia, Olimp – Greece, Rila – Bulgaria, Prokletije – Albania, Durmitor – Montenegro and Maglić – Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As a people oriented person I as well had an urge to help others, participating in many rescues of missing persons in rough mountain terrain within my carrier of a Certified Mountain Rescuer and member of Mountain Rescue Unit Mostar.

Leveraging on my extensive mountain experience and skills gained as Certified Mountain Rescuer and Guide, as well as cycling, rafting and skiing experiences I’m confident to provide you advice, guidance and your personally-shaped outdoor adventures that will leave you with most memorable moments to look upon.


I’m excited to meet you and share with you our beautiful and intact nature of Bosnia And Herzegovina Mountains.

Staff and Climbers

Miroslav Mihalj

Certified Mountain Guide and Guide instructor – member of Mountain Guide Unit Mostar

Certified Mountain Rescuer – member of Mountain Rescue Unit Mostar

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