Prenj Full Day Hike

Hike “Herzegovina Alps” – Mount Prenj and climb highest peak Zelena Glava


Category:  Demanding
Activity: 10 – 12h hike (1300 ascent)
Period: June to November

Prenj Mountain, widely considered one of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s most beautiful mountains, is a true heaven for hikers. Still wild, with sharp and elegant peaks, impressive reefs that overlook the entire Herzegovina, it’s proclaimed as most attractive mountain in the country. Prenj is located at the heart of Dinaric Alps, in the northern part of Herzegovina region, and with its numerous demanding peaks over 2000 masl, highest being Zelena glava (Green head - 2155 masl), it has been called the “Herzegovinian Alps” by mountaineers.



  • 70 € price based on minimum 4 persons
  • 80 € price based on minimum 3 persons
  • 2 persons – 100 €/per person
  • 1 person – 180 €


Transport from Mostar to the starting point of mountain trail and back, English speaking, fully equipped, and experienced mountain guide, sandwich, snack, coffee or tea.


To bring

Hiking boots or sturdy snickers, medium backpack, minimum 3 l of water, rain coat, warm shirt, spare t-shirts, tin gloves, hat or sun hat and sun protection crème.


Departure and return

From your accommodation site at 6:00 am where our guide will be greeting and transporting you to your starting point. We return 8:00 pm to your accommodation site


The Hike

After 45min drive we arrive to the starting point of our hike at 1000 masl. Hiking trail leads us through high forest to the open valley deep in the Prenj mountain range where we capture beautiful view points of its highest peaks. We climb Zelena Glava (2155 masl) the highest one and Otis (2098 masl) nearby. From there you can capture few truly memorable moments, enjoy the distant views on all surrounding mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After a lunch and rest on the mountain top we return back on a different route along Mountain Hut Jezerce and Lasni Do valley exploring all beauties of mount Prenj.

Mountains invite you to sharpen your senses

Area map

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